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All waste generated from the agriculture sector i.e.: bale wrap/mesh, plastic film (silage bags, un-recyclable grain bags), hoses and seed bags etc. will be charged at the demolition rate.

Pesticide/Herbicide containers are accepted at the site year round Monday - Friday 8:00am-4:00pm and Saturdays (May-October) from 9:00am-12:00pm. Empty and triple rinsed containers are to be offloaded at Building # 1 (Hazardous Waste Storage) in there designated area. Any jugs arriving in boxes must be removed before off loading, you are then responsible for disposing of the boxes at the cardboard recycling facility (Building # 3).

We are happy to announce the new pilot project by Cleanfarms for the recycling of Grain Bags and Twine. 

Please be sure to read the 3 steps to ensure that your used materials can be accepted and recycled.


  1. Shake - remove debris; grain bags need to be as clean as possible with care to remove as much organic material (spoilage, dirt, etc) before or during rolling. Excessively dirty or loose/unrolled bags may be regected, or subject to a landfill tipping fee or additonal charges at drop off.
  2. Roll - Prepare grain bags by rolling and tying with twine.
  3. Return - Please contact the Drumheller & District Regional Landfill proir to dropping off material.

Not included in the program : Unrolled grain bags, all othe bale/silage films or bags, silage tarps.


  1. Shake - remove as much debris, snow or ice as possible. Excessively dirty twine may be rejected, or subject to a landfill tipping fee or additonal charges at drop off.
  2. Bag - Place loose twine in a recycling bag and tie bags close. Please do not knot the twine. 

Not included in the program : Net wrap or netting, Bale/silage wrap

Our Location

Drumheller & District Regional Landfill is located at 2500 Highway 10 East Drumheller, AB
(Approximately 1km past the Drumheller Walmart.)

Mailing Address: PO Box 808 Drumheller, AB
T0J 0Y0
Phone: 403-823-1345

Location Map